Gothic Office or Appartment Building

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Painting Options

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Painting Options

Are you looking to add some stunning looking terrain to your 40K table? Do you think that the whole ruin theme is overdone? Do you want something that says down town and not mega hive? Do you need something that really blocks those lines of sight and adds tactical nuance to your games? Well, you have probably found what you are looking for!

You can buy your building pre assembled and painted in classic grey or white marble. Your building will arrive fully weathered and highlighted just like the pictures shown here. Your new building will be a great centre piece for your next game.

This kit is a straight forward build that goes together cleanly. When assembled it measures 6" by 8" by 8" tall. Most people could be expected to finish assembly in 1.5-2.5 hours. Full instructions and a painting guide are provided as a PDF (here), however, printed instructions are available on request.

Painting is also simple, by leaving the 3D printed doors and ornate window frames out of the building, you can quickly spray paint the main building with your favorite colour of spray paint. You can paint the windows and doors their separate colors, installing them with super glue when everything is dry. Finally a quick dry brush will make your new Gothic, grim dark building look fantastic!